Digital Fingerprinting
Digital Background Check Covers FDLE and FBI
FDLE Background Check Level 2
A Level 2 FDLE Background check is both a State and National checks.
This type of background check covers both FDLE and FBI background check criteria.
Who may you need an FDLE background check:
EDOH0380Z - CNA Applicants
EDOH2014Z - Physician/Medical Doctor
EDOH2015Z - Osteopathic Physician
EDOH2016Z - Chiropractic Physician
EDOH2017Z - Podiatric Physician
EDOH3415Z - Orthotist & Prosthetist
EDOH4410Z - LPN by Endorsement
EDOH4420Z - RN by Endorsement
EDOH4500Z - Acupunture
EDOH4510Z - Anesthesiologist Assistant
EDOH4520Z - Athletic Training
EDOH4530Z- Clinical Lab Personnel
EDOH4540Z - Clinical Nurse Specialist
EDOH4550Z - Clinical Social Work
EDOH4560Z - Dentistry
EDOH4570Z - Dietics/Nutrition
EDOH4580Z - Electrolysis
EDOH4590Z - Hearing Aid Specialist
EDOH4600Z - Massage Therapy
EDOH4610Z - Medical Physicist
EDOH4620Z - Midwifery
EDOH4630Z - Naturopath
EDOH4640Z - Nursing Home Admin
EDOH4650Z - Occupational Therapy
EDOH4660Z - Opticianry
EDOH4670Z - Optometry
EDOH4680Z - Pharmacist
EDOH4690Z - Physical Therapy
EDOH4700Z - Physician Assistant
EDOH4710Z - Psychology
EDOH4720Z - Respiratory Care
EDOH4730Z - School Psychology
EDOH4740Z - Speech/Language Pathology
FL920010Z - Real Estate Sales and Broker
FL922050Z - Real Estate Appraisers
FL923400Z - Construction
FL921932Z - Community Association Managers
FL921670Z - Talent Agents
FL922040Z - Athlete Agents
FL921880Z - Employee Leasing
FL920150Z - Alcoholic, Beverages and Tobacco
FL924250Z - Home Inspectors
FL924260Z - Mold Remediation or Assessment
FL924270Z (All Boards) - Military Endorsement
FL924780Z - Drugs, Devices & Cosmetics
FL921900Z - Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (FCTMH)
FL920630Z - Pari-Mutuel Wagering (PMW)
FL923230Z - Pari-Mutuel Slots (PMW)
Prices vary depending upon the type of service requested. Appointment available upon request.